Sullivan County Bird Records
Bird Notes
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Spring 2024

MARCH started with northern movements of waterbirds. Snow Geese, Tundra Swans, Blue-winged Teals, Gadwalls, Canvasbacks, Long-tailed Ducks, Ruddy Ducks along with Horned Grebes, Wilson’s Snipe and Double Crested Cormorants briefly rested here on their journey north. A Ring-necked Pheasant was spotted and Woodcock were doing their mating displays.

Great Blue Herons, Osprey, Tree Swallows, Rusty Blackbirds and our first warbler of the season, a Pine Warbler returned to the Pine Boat Launch in the Bashakill. We added 17 species for the year bringing our total up to 113. A total of 103 species were seen around Sullivan County in March.

APRIL ramped up with migration coming on strong. A total of 159 different species were seen this month. Of them 57 were new to us this year. A few migrants were still heading north but a lot of breeding birds returned here for nesting. It’s nice to see the swallows and hear the thrushes singing in the evening. 17 species of warblers were seen during the month. A Chukar, seen at Deli Fields, is a game bird that was probably released by one of the hunting clubs. It’s still nice to see them. Sullivan is now up to 170 species.

MAY produced 177 species for the month, 33 were new. Tent caterpillars brought in both Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos. They have been scarce for the last couple of years. A few species of shore birds were still moving northward and paused to refuel at the Apollo Plaza puddles. 13 new warblers made their appearances to bring our total warblers for the year up to 30. That’s amazing! Many of our grassland species returned, Meadowlarks, Bobolinks, Savannah and Grasshopper Sparrows.

Our total 2024 species count for Sullivan is now up to 203 birds for the year.

Renee Davis

REMINDER: Send information about your interesting birds using our handy online reporting form.