American Kestrel © Rick Bunting
photo © Scott Baldinger
Click photo to enlarge

Semipalmated Plover, Scott Baldinger
Tundra Swan

photo ©Scott Baldinger
Click photo to enlarge

Eastern Bluebird photo © Gloria Wagenknecht
photo ©Scott Baldinger
Click photo to enlarge


Welcome to the
Sullivan County Audubon Society Website

This page last update 06/14/2024

Sullivan County is one of New York State's birdiest counties, home to the famous Bashakill Wildlife Management Area and the Mongaup Valley Bald Eagle area, two sites designated by New York State as Bird Conservation Areas.

It is possible for a person to find over 100 different species of birds in one May day at the Bashakill.

One can also find over 200 species of birds in Sullivan County in a year.

Both of these feats were accomplished by our birders in past years.

A total of over 280 species of birds have been recorded in the county.

Wood Duck
photo © Steve Davis
Click photo to enlarge

Sullivan County Audubon is about more than birds!

Use the links in the top left to learn about the wide variety of activities and interests we represent.


New on Our Website
Join or Renew your Membership online today    
Upcoming Events - Summer events NEW 06/14/24
About Our June 27 Annual Picnic   06/14/24
Spring 2024 Bird Notes   06/14/24
Sullivan Butterfly Seasonal Wrap-up   12/12/23
Duck! Counting Birds at Bashakill   12/12/23
2023 Break-a-Hundred Results   06/27/23
Solid Waste & Recycling in Sullivan County   07/14/21
What to do about Injured Birds or Other Wildlife   08/22/20


The Sullivan County Audubon Society is a group of dedicated people who value both the birds and their beautiful and unspoiled habitats in Sullivan County.

Bashakill 100   |  Big Years  |  Bird Notes   |  Break-a-Hundred   |  Breeding Bird Atlas
Bird Checklist
  |   Butterfly Checklist  |   Christmas Count  |   Coming Events  |  Contact Us  |  The Database
Feathered Frenzy  |  Green Column  |  Gull Gallery  |  Hall of Fame  |  Hawkwatch  |   Herp Checklist  |  Membership
Member Photos  |  News&Views  |  Report Birds  |  Report Butterflies  |  Report Herps  |  Report Mammals
Township Birding  |  Waterfowl Count  |  Web Links  |  Where to Bird  |  Wildflowers  |  Winter Feeder Count